Movies directed by Doug Liman

Posted by Martina Birk on Friday, September 27, 2024
American Made Poster American Made

American Made is loosely – very, very loosely – based on true events. Ultimately, however, little of the real Barry Seal’s life has made it into the film, which is used by director Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity, Edge of Tomorrow) and ...

Bourne Identity, The Poster Bourne Identity, The

In all likelihood, Robert Ludlum fans will not be pleased by this adaptation of one of the spy master's best-received novels. That's because The Bourne Identity uses the premise, a few character names, and some isolated incidents from the novel, t...

Edge of Tomorrow Poster Edge of Tomorrow

As improbable a concoction as it might seem, Edge of Tomorrow is a curious mix of ingredients from the 1993 Harold Ramis/Bill Murray comedy, Groundhog Day, and James Cameron's 1986 sequel to Alien. An Earth-versus-aliens tale set in the near future...

Go Poster Go

Go is the latest piece of high-octane eye candy aimed squarely at members of the infamous Generation X. Fast-paced and often witty, but ultimately vapid, Go borrows heavily both in rhythm and approach from Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. And, s...

Jumper Poster Jumper

One of the cardinal rules when making a motion picture about a superhero, especially one no one has heard of, is not to make the integrity of the story depend on the existence of a sequel. Unfortunately, that's a rule that director Doug Liman brea...

Mr. and Mrs. Smith Poster Mr. and Mrs. Smith

The problem with Mr. and Mrs. Smith is that it's really two movies in one. The first is a sly comedy/thriller worthy of Hitchcock, and the other is a big, noisy summer action flick. The marriage of these two, like that of the title characters, is...
